Book-wise, the ‘Twilight Saga’ was almost finished with the third book ‘Eclipse’. Film-wise, it was the third film…but not the last because of ‘Breaking Dawn- Part 1’ and ‘Breaking Dawn- Part 2’.
Of course, ‘Eclipse’ was the film/book that made Bella Swan make an impossible choice; Edward or Jacob. Can’t really say I blame her to be honest.
The story starts off with Riley Biers (Xavier Samuel) leaving a store on his way home. Or at least he would’ve made it home had it not been for Victoria’s (Bryce Dallas Howard) attack on him.
Meanwhile, Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) are in Edward’s meadow. Bella is reading a book in preparation for her English final. After they talk about what went on in the last film when Edward asked Bella to marry him, they decide to head home. However, when Bella gets home, she’s reminded by her father Charley (Billy Burke) that after her running away to Italy to save Edward, she’s still grounded.
Bella is disappointed but accepts her punishment reluctantly. Charley takes pity on her and decides to lift the grounding…on one condition; that Bella makes time for her other friends and not just Edward. Once again Bella reluctantly agrees. Charley also tells her that Jacob is feeling very down; just as Bella had been when Edward had left her briefly on ‘New Moon’.
Bella immediately decides to check on her best friend but receives no response from him. It goes straight to voice mail. She then gets in her truck in order to go and see Jacob when Edward appears; he’s concerned for her safety since Victoria is still on the loose.
The biggest surprise to me with this film was Howard Shore doing the film’s score. Yes I do mean that the guy that composed the ‘Lord of the Rings’ films did ‘Eclipse’. Like with the other two films, I really enjoyed the instrumental side of the soundtrack.
Unlike the other two films, this one relied heavily on action scenes despite there not being many in the original novel other than the final battle between the new born vampires and Bella and her friends and the werewolves.
Despite ‘New Moon’ being my favourite out of the films and books, ‘Eclipse’ follows at a close second as there’s more interesting things going on than in the first ‘Twilight’ film. Like with the other films though, I prefer the book over the film.