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Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) Review

Writer: kayleigh lewiskayleigh lewis

It took me years to get into Star Wars. Mainly because I'm not big on alien films...which is very unusual since I enjoy reading articles about space or anything to do with space. Just not on the subject on whether or not there's life out there in the universe.

Of course, I grew up hearing about it and the prequels- focusing on Darth Vader and how he came to be- came out when I was at school. At the time, the prequels for most of their part got mixed reactions from the fans. Particularly the ones who grew up on the original films and Luke Skywalker's adventures. Most people my age- who are now in their early thirties- enjoyed the prequels for most of the part but, as what often happens when one grows up, their opinions changed about them and most ended up agreeing with their parents in the end; that they weren't as good as the original Star Wars films.

However, due to Disney's failure with the recent "sequel trilogy", the prequels have ended up getting a lot more respect in recent years. Most notably 'Revenge of the Sith'. Which just happens to be the darkest Star Wars film of the original six films and had came very close to getting a fifteen rating as a result.

The film starts towards the end of the Clone Wars. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) has been taken by the Trade Federation so the Jedi Counsel send in two of their best Jedi; Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen).

After fighting their way through battle-droids and making short work of them, they then eventually find the room where Chancellor Palpatine is being held. Once again Anakin and Obi-Wan come face-to-face with Count Dooku (the late and great Christopher Lee) from 'Attack of the Clones'. During the fight, Obi-Wan is knocked unconscious and Anakin must face Count Dooku on his own. Fortunately, Anakin has learned from the events on the previous film and soon overpowers the evil Count.

Whilst Count Dooku is being held by Anakin and Obi-Wan's lightsabers, he gets a surprise order from Chancellor Palpatine; to kill him. Of course, Anakin's Jedi training makes him hesitant in killing a defenceless opponent but...he's always trusted the Chancellor. There's no reason why he shouldn't. And Anakin does. Making it the first of many orders that Anakin follows from Palpatine on his path to becoming Darth Vader.

During their rescue, the two brave Jedi come across General Grievous; a more robot than cybrog by his appearance. It isn't before long until Grievous eventually makes his battle-droids fight Anakin and Obi-Wan whilst he makes his escape on an escape-pod. The fight is short lived as Anakin, Obi-Wan and Palpatine make their way towards the control panel of the Trade Federation ship that they're in which is quickly falling apart around them due to the on-going battle outside.

Using his natural piloting skills, Anakin is able to safely land the ship ("Another happy landing" Obi-Wan sarcastically remarks). Anakin and Obi-Wan are treated to a hero's welcome as they leave the ship to report to the Jedi Council.

Meanwhile Anakin's wife Padme (Natalie Portman) (who he had secretly married at the end of 'Attack of the Clones') gives him some exciting news; that she is expecting a baby (or at least she thinks it's a baby at the time without realising that it is, of course, the Skywalker twins Luke and Leia).

Everything seems perfect for the happy couple...that is until later on that night in which Anakin has a nightmare; that Padme dies giving birth.

Throughout the rest of the film, Anakin keeps making one mistake after another as he tries to save Padme from her up and coming tragic fate. As we all might be aware of by now, the film only ends in one way; with Anakin becoming Darth Vader.

One of my favourite moments in the film has always been the Anakin vs Obi-Wan fight on Mustafa. To see the two men who had once been best friends, mentor and pupil fight each other is rather sad but it is an amazing fight over the lava planes of Mustafa. The fight itself was directed by Steve Spielberg as he had came over to help George Lucas with filming during that time.

There is also the excellent score which is done by none other than John Williams himself (I'm guessing that this was why he didn't stay to compose the music for the rest of the Harry Potter franchise after 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban').

There is also the fight between Yoda and Palpatine and Anakin's march on the Jedi Temple that also make for dramatic viewings. Then there's the tear-jerking Order 66 scene when the Clone Commandos turn on their Jedi Generals (I admit to getting more emotional over that than everyone getting dusted on 'Avengers: Infinity War').

There are other darker scenes on the film such as the brief glimpse of Anakin killing Younglings (a scene that was cut from the original film because George Lucas had considered it to be way too dark).

Despite some memorable moments in the film ("It's over Anakin; I've got the high ground!" says Obi-Wan or "I HATE YOU!" shouts Anakin), there is also no denying that there are some dodgy moments in 'Revenge of the Sith' due to the bad script. I have to admit that I give Ewan and Hayden credit for doing their best with what they were given with at the time.

I also admit that despite my distrust in Disney handling anything like Star Wars, I'm curious to see how they manage the 'Kenobi' TV series which is supposed to be set after the events of 'Revenge of the Sith', especially the supposed rematch with Anakin and Obi-Wan (I'm going to guess that it's a nightmare sequence or a flashback but I'm willing to bet that I'm wrong due to Disney currently messing up the original Star Wars timeline).

All in all, I consider 'Revenge of the Sith' the darkest of all the Star Wars films but also the best of the prequel films.


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