After the success of the first two Sonic films, it was only inevitable that there was to be a third film shortly afterwards. Like other Sonic fans, I was delighted that we got a third film. A third film that would feature Shadow the Hedgehog; yet another popular character from the games.
I was finally able to watch this at the cinema as I wasn’t able to see the other two due to lockdown restrictions and my local cinema had closed down because of said lockdown restrictions. I wasn’t disappointed.
The plot is loosely based on ‘Sonic Advanced 2’. When ultimate life-form Shadow (voiced by Keanu Reeves) is awakened it’s up to Sonic and his friends to save the day yet again. They must form a reluctant alliance with Dr Robotnik (Jim Carry) if they hope to stop Shadow.
As one who grew up on the SEGA MegaDrive (Genesis to any American reading this) I was almost a stranger to Shadow’s very dark storyline from ‘Sonic Advanced 2’ as I never had a GameBoy Advanced (I had a GameBoy Colour). From what I’ve seen and heard Shadow’s story is much darker in-game although from what I was seeing, it still looked very dark to me!
Keanu practically steals the show as Shadow’s voice. Keanu actually made Shadow intimidating during most of the film and he was clearly channelling John Wick in his performance.
They even had ‘Live and Learn’ from ‘Sonic Advanced 2’ towards the end of the film. I have to admit that I nearly didn’t recognize it; I thought it was ‘Sonic Heros’ at first! That’s how you know I’m not very familiar with the Sonic games after the MegaDrive era.
Over all, a decent and worthy third film in a series…something that doesn’t very often happen.