When Disney brought FOX back in 2017 it looked as though all hopes of a ‘Deadpool 3’ were dashed unceremoniously against the wall. There was very little chance that the usually family-friendly Disney company would pick up from where FOX had left off with the 15-rated Deadpool films despite them owning Touchstone which does 15-rated horror films.
Then in 2022 there was a miracle; an announcement by Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman told everyone that they were finally going to do ‘Deadpool 3’ and it was to be titled ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’. The team-up every X-Men fan had been waiting for had finally arrived!
However, there were some people- like me- that were hesitant about the film.
Most of Disney’s post-‘Endgame’ films had been epic woke failures that were nothing short of disrespectful to the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that had came before it. Less said of their Disney+ shows the better.
When we started seeing images there was some hope; shots of Hugh wearing the actual yellow Wolverine spandex made people very excited. Even better; Disney were allowing it to be rated a 15.
I was still hesitant though as I don’t trust Disney with the X-Men film franchise. It wasn’t until I started seeing positive word of mouth from reliable sources and a cameo made by a certain actor as an alternative Wolverine that finally made me want to actually go and see it. It was worth the wait.
The story centers around Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) trying to- at first- get into The Avengers team. However he’s not wanted apparently; it doesn’t look as though Deadpool is a people person or a team player and is rejected. It isn’t before long when the Time Variant Association (from the confusing ‘Loki’ tv show) tasks Deadpool with a job; to bring back a Wolverine to fix a broken timeline.
Yes you heard that right; in order to connect the FOX films to the MCU they had to have the TVA from the confusing ‘Loki’ show from Disney+. This was why I was originally hesitant about watching it as I didn’t like the ‘Loki’ tv show despite the character and time travel just gives me a massive headache unless dinosaurs happen to be involved in it.
As expected, the scenes that referenced the MCU were terrible but everything else in the film was fantastic. Deadpool taking the constant piss out of the MCU for the first ten minutes was much appreciated by everyone including myself.
‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ is basically a love letter to the FOX Mavel films, without whom, there’d be no MCU…something that Disney and so many Marvel fans have sadly forgotten.